I’ve Been Thinkin’ Way Too Much
Confession: I am an overthinker.
I used to think this was my superpower.

I Am No Island
I am holding on by a thread.
Not to worry, this is no cause for alarm! The thread is robust and strong. I know that it won't fail me.

This Is Me Trying
Call it what you want: Immigrant Guilt, Gifted Kid Syndrome, the Crushing Disillusionment of Adulthood...

… The following years of my life were spent living out of suitcases, borrowing spare bedrooms, meeting with professors on Zoom, applying to jobs from someone's living room couch, and laughing in derision when someone asked me to describe my 5-year-plan.

The Heartbreak of Ageism
"What grade are you in?" asks the well-intentioned estate agent for the house I'm touring with my parents.

Thoughts on Emotional Growth
Sometimes I fear that living with my parents as an adult will permanently stunt my emotional maturity.